Listening to all the talking heads stepping forward to try and defray the damage of these scandals by stating or implying that the President knew nothing has me thinking. What if they are telling the truth? What if he (Obama) really knew nothing of the problems throughout the system because his people kept it from him? Let's play what if (or connect the dots, whichever you prefer).
All the scandals that have come to light were all begun before the election. One by one they are atrocious misguided abuses of power, but together...when you place all these together, they appear on their face to be carefully planned election planning. That's right I said it. Maybe Obama didn't know what was going on, but the people that wanted to keep power by keeping him in office did. All of the issues that we are currently seeing happened prior to the election. I believe this was a directed assault on groups that opposed Obama's reelection bid. How so you may ask? The IRS targeting 'Patriotic' groups may not have looked bad, but it definitely hampered coordination of opposition during the election cycle. The AP phone record scandal on it's face isn't bad, but behind the scenes they were seeing who a FOX reporter was talking to right down to his parent's phone calls. Can you see a coordination effort on their part yet? How about Benghazi, Obama went to sleep while people were being killed...someone had to have told him "There's nothing to see here, goodnight Mr. President", thus 'insulating' him from the issue. Plausible Deniability. That's obviously what they were aiming for, but I think they misapplied that directive and underestimated the scope.
One by one they are an affront to the People Of The United States, together it is a pattern of deception. All committed on Barack Obama's watch. Plausible Deniability does not apply to a pattern of deceit. He is supposed to be smart enough to lead us and choose people loyal to his lead, not loyal to another that seeks to keep him from being hurt politically. This is a clear example of dereliction of duty. He has allowed the people close to him to run the aspects of the government and they failed. Take some personal responsibility for your charges Mr. President! These are the men and woman you entrusted with the full power of the Presidency, therefore you are just as much at fault as if it was yourself. If this pattern of deceit was specifically used to affect the election it trumps Nixon's follies and we all know what happened to Nixon.
My biggest regret for our nation is that these crooks cost our future citizens $7 Trillion and counting. I wonder if Obama would use that line? "I am not a crook!" Nov. 18, 1973 Richard Nixon to Washington Post editors. Maybe so Mr. President, maybe your not a crook, but the people you've chosen to surround you and do your business are crooks. That makes you a crook by association. Somehow you conveyed to those people that their actions were warranted and directed by YOU, MR. PRESIDENT. You are as guilty as those that acted in your behalf, on your behalf. The truth will eventually come to light. Your Presidency is a failure and will go down in history as a pock mark on our great country.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Who is Lois Lerner Protecting?
Lois Lerner, head of the IRS division that is charged with non-profit exemptions, intends to plead the Fifth Amendment when she appears before congress. This woman was entrusted with protecting the public trust through UNBIASED scrutiny of applicants and she failed. Her pleading the Fifth in this case illustrates her fear that the actions perpetrated by her department could, in fact, be a criminal matter. In the least it could be an attempt to cover the President himself. Lois Lerner's political affiliations are no secret, her husband's law firm held an event for voter registration in support of Obama's campaign. If she has no intent of cooperating with investigators and divulging the person pulling her strings, then she should be terminated immediately. Besides, anyone that is charged with working within the IRS, the largest ACCOUNTING service in the United States, should at least be good at math.

This case should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Obama has proven that he has a cult-like following among his followers and this proves the extent of which they will go to support him. If Obama wants to save face then he should ferret out and FIRE every person involved in any scandal involving government employees. Government employees should not be 'sympathetic' to a specific cause or political affiliation. All actions by government employees should be performed by the letter of the law and without bias. Any infraction, no matter how small, should be dealt with by IMMEDIATE dismissal from position without compensation. This would ensure that every employee would do the job they are charged with and not just try to please the boss by steering his course. Political affiliation should not be a factor in the day to day goings on in governmental agencies. This administration has raised the public awareness as to the actual reality that they work to OBTAIN AND RETAIN POWER AND THE WIELD THAT POWER LIKE A SWORD AGAINST THE PEOPLE THEY ARE SWORN TO PROTECT.
We can not as a free nation tolerate this level of governmental indiscretion and intrusion. As I outlined in the last post this is a rare opportunity to make fundamental changes to our federal system. It was never intended to be all things to all people or even have a hand in all things for all people. The men who drafted our Constitution and Bill of Rights envisioned a country that was run BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE. The people in power have seen fit to wrest that power from the people bit by bit. It's time to take it back.
This blog finds a handful of people in hopes that it will open a few eyes. When I'm dead and gone everything I have will be someone else's. I don't really want to be part of the legacy this government has been building for the past 9 years. A debt that will burden generations to come, rules that are mandatory to the citizens and optional to the government and liberties that are modified to suit the ruling class. Some of the people I discuss politics with claim that these changes will build a better country. History shows that the direction we are going in has fueled the demise of many great empires. The country we are allowing them to build is a shadow of it's glory.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
This case should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Obama has proven that he has a cult-like following among his followers and this proves the extent of which they will go to support him. If Obama wants to save face then he should ferret out and FIRE every person involved in any scandal involving government employees. Government employees should not be 'sympathetic' to a specific cause or political affiliation. All actions by government employees should be performed by the letter of the law and without bias. Any infraction, no matter how small, should be dealt with by IMMEDIATE dismissal from position without compensation. This would ensure that every employee would do the job they are charged with and not just try to please the boss by steering his course. Political affiliation should not be a factor in the day to day goings on in governmental agencies. This administration has raised the public awareness as to the actual reality that they work to OBTAIN AND RETAIN POWER AND THE WIELD THAT POWER LIKE A SWORD AGAINST THE PEOPLE THEY ARE SWORN TO PROTECT.
We can not as a free nation tolerate this level of governmental indiscretion and intrusion. As I outlined in the last post this is a rare opportunity to make fundamental changes to our federal system. It was never intended to be all things to all people or even have a hand in all things for all people. The men who drafted our Constitution and Bill of Rights envisioned a country that was run BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE. The people in power have seen fit to wrest that power from the people bit by bit. It's time to take it back.
This blog finds a handful of people in hopes that it will open a few eyes. When I'm dead and gone everything I have will be someone else's. I don't really want to be part of the legacy this government has been building for the past 9 years. A debt that will burden generations to come, rules that are mandatory to the citizens and optional to the government and liberties that are modified to suit the ruling class. Some of the people I discuss politics with claim that these changes will build a better country. History shows that the direction we are going in has fueled the demise of many great empires. The country we are allowing them to build is a shadow of it's glory.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat, Ignorance Of The Law Excuses No One.
SHHH!! What I don't know can't hurt me! |
The IRS has failed the public trust. We should use this as a que to change the tax code. Enact a flat tax that everybody pays the same across the board. The only IRS we will need is for processing, no millions of pages of tax law and loop holes to understand. WE ALL PAY THE SAME. I make a dollar I pay 10 cents. I make $1 million I pay $100,000. I make $1 billion I pay $100 Million. Friggin' easy huh? Why is it that the government says it will put undo stress on the poor? Actually it puts undo stress on the politicians...they wield no favored tax status for anyone. If you enjoy the fruits of freedom you pay like everyone else. Nuff said. Then create a balanced budget amendment, they must balance the budget every year or it's a no go. We got it here in Maine they need it in Washington D.C.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Accept the reality.
Well...I'm here to tell you,
WE CAN FIX IT- We have the capacity and the freedom to do what needs to be done. We need a collective message from an educated citizenry. Be a student of REAL history, not the revisionist shit they spoon feed our children in public school. Read a book, this was a great read "Lies My Teacher Told Me". Go ahead, Google revisionist history or just click here.
WHAT CAN WE DO?- By communicating our disdain and making the pillar of power a very uncomfortable place to be. We can not let them become complacent, they have chosen to be the leaders of the free world, to do the work of the people, lets hold their feet to the flames. Find your voice or join another, we shouldn't make public service a short ride to a comfortable retirement. The reason public servants originally got great benefits was because the job really sucked, let's make it suck again.
WHY WORRY ABOUT IT?- How does $17 Trillion in debt hit you? Probably not even a tickle. How about if I write it out... $17,000,000,000,000 does that help? Again, probably nothing. How about this...currently every citizen of the United States, every man, woman and child (right down to the one that just popped out) owe to the Federal Debt $56,666 per citizen! WORRIED NOW? That baby that was just born just bought a Lincoln Navigator that some politician's son will be taking to prom and the baby will never lay eyes on. Does it bother any of you that YOUR portion of the national debt is greater than the national mean wage of $45,790? I understand many of you may have trouble with your math, so if you gave your entire years salary to the government, you'd still OWN THEM MORE.
IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM..- Then who's problem is it? Do you, that try and detract from my message, realize that someone has to pay for the misguided decisions of these 'for the greater good' politicians? Everyone that looks the other way, apologizes or tries and explain away the efforts of the government to wrestle power from the people is just as bad as the politicians that are trying to steal it from us. This debt they are running up is OURS to take care of, anyone that believes that the politicians are going to do anything about it are in a dream world. With great power comes great responsibility. They have proven they are not responsible people.
I've been contracted by my employer to provide a service. I have been given certain performance parameters that I have to follow to perform the tasks that I have been charged with. If I don't perform these tasks at or above those parameters I can, and should, be reprimanded. That reprimand could come with sanctions such as loss of compensation (raise) up to dismissal from my position. If I perform poorly or make poor decisions in my work, there is no one to apologize or explain away my misgivings. WHY DO YOU DO IT FOR THE PRESIDENT?? I've seen this type of behavior from fanatic sports enthusiasts who will give reasoning for a favored team's loss. 'It wasn't their day', It's because so and so is on the injured list', 'If that last pit stop was 1 second faster''s always someone else's fault or problem. This deflection is a sickness. I understand it, you picked Obama, so if he fails you do. But it's not the reality, we need to place blame where it should be and accept it for ourselves.
Barack Hussein Obama took on the job of President of the United States. He won the vote by being the 'Un-Bush' then spent his first term blaming all the problems on Bush. Well, all of the problems that are currently happening are his. He owns them and no amount of explaining them as 'irrelevant' are going to make them any less his. I really don't care if no one told him what was going on, it is his JOB TO KNOW. If I was in his shoes and the people that I charged with informing me failed HEADS WOULD ROLL. It really doesn't surprise me that Obama does nothing, he has no spine. He's been an absentee President from the get go. He is not doing the job he was charged with, he is not fulfilling the parameters of the position.
So, instead of making excuses and trying to discredit my views why not just accept the fact that GOVERNMENT WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE WHAT THEY HAVE CREATED. We have handed them so much power that we are losing our identity. When we are gone the legacy we leave behind will either be a strong nation or a mountain of debt. It's up to us.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
A top Obama adminstration aide went on numerous talk shows to try and defray the damage from the current crop of scandals facing the President. Dan Pfeiffer tried to claim that what the President knew and when he knew it was 'irrelevant'. When pressed as to the legality of the IRS targeting conservative groups he also stated that the law was 'irrelevant'. If we are to understand this line of thought, then we as a nation should just back off and give Obama a pass. He didn't know what was going on under his watch so big whoop right? He gets a mulligan, to utilize the vernacular from his love of golf. The arrogance of this administration boggles the mind.
This illustrates the ambivalence that the Obama administration has towards the people of the United States. On one hand he has such disdain for America that he writes his own rules as he goes along, but obviously he feels as if this country is a great starting point for his version of a 'better' world. His agenda has hardly been hidden throughout his tenure. The majority of people ate all the bullshit he was spewing and voted him in for a second term. Now we see his true colors. In a past post I wrote about how Obama was an absentee President, spending time away golfing, vacationing, even making beer in the basement of the White House. Now with the statements made regarding the relevance of Obama's involvement it has become apparent. He's just a puppet but we've yet to find out who has their hand up his ass. His handlers have all but said that President Obama is too busy hanging out with hollywood movie stars, surfing the liberal talk show circuit, making beer or playing golf to be bothered with the day to day goings on of the United States.
The infractions perpetrated on the people of the United States by this administration ranks up there with the Nixon administration's infractions. It's been said in many major news cycles. There is still question as to whether or not the IRS targeting was criminal or not. The very fact that they are questioning the legality of such actions prove they know what they did was wrong. To question the legality of a direct assault on Americans by an administrative arm of the government such as the IRS reaffirms our reliance on the Constitution. The actions of this administration is a direct affront to everything we hold dear as a free society and to call it 'irrelevant' is an indictment of our intelligence.
Many of my liberal friends give me grief about my political leanings and question my ability to criticize the government. The very same friends who would believe a liar like Obama who has yet to pay up on his many promises. Oh, they'll throw Obamacare in my face, but if I had the chance to spend $7 Trillion dollars, we'd all have healthcare. The government relies on the ignorance of it's people to slide shit by them and retain power. That's all this is about, power. Pure and simple. They have some, but want more. The true test of a man is not money, it's power and how he wields it. Obama has failed miserably.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
This illustrates the ambivalence that the Obama administration has towards the people of the United States. On one hand he has such disdain for America that he writes his own rules as he goes along, but obviously he feels as if this country is a great starting point for his version of a 'better' world. His agenda has hardly been hidden throughout his tenure. The majority of people ate all the bullshit he was spewing and voted him in for a second term. Now we see his true colors. In a past post I wrote about how Obama was an absentee President, spending time away golfing, vacationing, even making beer in the basement of the White House. Now with the statements made regarding the relevance of Obama's involvement it has become apparent. He's just a puppet but we've yet to find out who has their hand up his ass. His handlers have all but said that President Obama is too busy hanging out with hollywood movie stars, surfing the liberal talk show circuit, making beer or playing golf to be bothered with the day to day goings on of the United States.
The infractions perpetrated on the people of the United States by this administration ranks up there with the Nixon administration's infractions. It's been said in many major news cycles. There is still question as to whether or not the IRS targeting was criminal or not. The very fact that they are questioning the legality of such actions prove they know what they did was wrong. To question the legality of a direct assault on Americans by an administrative arm of the government such as the IRS reaffirms our reliance on the Constitution. The actions of this administration is a direct affront to everything we hold dear as a free society and to call it 'irrelevant' is an indictment of our intelligence.
Many of my liberal friends give me grief about my political leanings and question my ability to criticize the government. The very same friends who would believe a liar like Obama who has yet to pay up on his many promises. Oh, they'll throw Obamacare in my face, but if I had the chance to spend $7 Trillion dollars, we'd all have healthcare. The government relies on the ignorance of it's people to slide shit by them and retain power. That's all this is about, power. Pure and simple. They have some, but want more. The true test of a man is not money, it's power and how he wields it. Obama has failed miserably.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Friday, May 17, 2013
I'm digging deep here.
Just kidding...who needs to dig deep for subject material when Obama is tanking so hard? This administration has been a train wreck from the get go but it took almost 5 years for the press (FoxNews excluded) to take notice. Benghazi, the AP phone record grab, IRS political targeting and the Second Court of Appeals decision on Obama's recess appointments. I held off on blogging about these issues because I didn't want to seem like I was gloating and I'm not. These problems aren't just Obama's, these problems affect all of us. Obama keeps saying he didn't know, well buddy, that's not good enough. They are your responsibility, the buck stops with you.
The emails that have been released on Benghazi coupled with the testimony PROVE that the White House not only knew about the changes made to the talking points, but participated in those changes as well. Jay Carney LIED just a few days ago when he stated that their was "only one change made" to those talking points. What else does he outwardly lie about? Should we as a nation trust anything that comes from him again? Just on this instance his credibility has been lost and we should NOT trust him again. Not only does this administration look like morons to it's own people, now it looks like that to the rest of the world. The glaring omission from all of the material is WHO decided that the YouTube film should be the patsy? The real question that everyone wants answered is WHO'S idea was it to NOT increase security and WHO called for the stand down? To do this to win an election was reprehensible in my opinion, but then again I have no power and I don't know what I would do to retain any if I had it.
In past musings I've outlined how the Left's attack on the 2nd Amendment was just the beginning and that their coveted 1st Amendment would soon follow. The pen is mightier than the sword, it only stands to reason that this administration would seek to remove that sword. They qualify the phone record grab as an investigation on national security leaks. This has been the most calculating administration in history, all talking points written, edited, written again, edited again, run through a poll before they are publicized. Are we to believe that these leaks weren't a calculated move? Obama had the chance to promote a Press Shield law in 2009 but chose to oppose it. Even with the majority of the news organizations up his ass he knows that only goes so far and he's feeling how it is on the wrong side now. Oh, he still has the lap dogs like Chris Mathews and Rachael Maddow pining for him, but the more popular Bill Maher is starting to really criticize him. Even a dog knows not to shit where he eats Mr. President, your beloved press are starting realize you've been feeding them shit for years.
The 'revelation' that the IRS has been targeting conservative political groups is a bombshell. This ranks right up there with the Nixon debacle. That's not just my assessment, there are plenty of news outlets that are making that comparison. Things just keep piling up and the investigation is just beginning. Even Obama stopped short of answering a direct question from the press the other day. When posed with the question "Did anyone in your administration know about the IRS targeting conservative groups?" he responded not to the direct question but instead made up his own response " I did not know about the IG report until it came out". This points to his inexcusable incompetence and a level of detachment that NO President would stand for if he were truly a leader. This scandal has shaken the public's trust in government to it's core. This is a wing of the government that we all have to work with and now it's proven to be untrustworthy. I can't even begin to outline the, to coin Obama's own assessment, OUTRAGEOUS intrusions on conservative groups in this IRS debacle. Not only did they utilize their own agents to investigate these groups, they called upon the FBI to do background and personal checks. They handed over CONFIDENTIAL information to ProPublica a George Soros funded Liberal Organization. This is an affront to all that is free.
Now the Second Court of Appeals votes to negate Obama's recess appointment. This has far reaching consequences that could cause some serious issues in the administration and negate some decisions made by the appointees. This could cause ripples far reaching through Obama's policy decisions in many departments across government. It reaffirms the separation of powers. The remainder of his Presidency will be a battle for appointees to run government. Every person that he champions will be under a microscope. Obama has PROVEN that he can not run a nation.
Could the shit he's standing in get any deeper? I think we've just scraped the surface and the revelations we will see over the coming months will paint this administration as the lying, cheating, back-room dealing farce that it is. All the people that were snowed into voting for this man will see his true intentions and the lengths at which he was willing to go to retain power. He was willing to stake our freedom and liberties on it. His administration has taken the last vestiges of faith in government away from all the productive people in the United States. I'm sorry Mr. President, ignorance is not a defense, I didn't know is not going to work this time. The last 5 years are not Bush's fault. Our country is sick and the prescription for a healthy future is the removal of you, Barack Obama, from office.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
The emails that have been released on Benghazi coupled with the testimony PROVE that the White House not only knew about the changes made to the talking points, but participated in those changes as well. Jay Carney LIED just a few days ago when he stated that their was "only one change made" to those talking points. What else does he outwardly lie about? Should we as a nation trust anything that comes from him again? Just on this instance his credibility has been lost and we should NOT trust him again. Not only does this administration look like morons to it's own people, now it looks like that to the rest of the world. The glaring omission from all of the material is WHO decided that the YouTube film should be the patsy? The real question that everyone wants answered is WHO'S idea was it to NOT increase security and WHO called for the stand down? To do this to win an election was reprehensible in my opinion, but then again I have no power and I don't know what I would do to retain any if I had it.
In past musings I've outlined how the Left's attack on the 2nd Amendment was just the beginning and that their coveted 1st Amendment would soon follow. The pen is mightier than the sword, it only stands to reason that this administration would seek to remove that sword. They qualify the phone record grab as an investigation on national security leaks. This has been the most calculating administration in history, all talking points written, edited, written again, edited again, run through a poll before they are publicized. Are we to believe that these leaks weren't a calculated move? Obama had the chance to promote a Press Shield law in 2009 but chose to oppose it. Even with the majority of the news organizations up his ass he knows that only goes so far and he's feeling how it is on the wrong side now. Oh, he still has the lap dogs like Chris Mathews and Rachael Maddow pining for him, but the more popular Bill Maher is starting to really criticize him. Even a dog knows not to shit where he eats Mr. President, your beloved press are starting realize you've been feeding them shit for years.
The 'revelation' that the IRS has been targeting conservative political groups is a bombshell. This ranks right up there with the Nixon debacle. That's not just my assessment, there are plenty of news outlets that are making that comparison. Things just keep piling up and the investigation is just beginning. Even Obama stopped short of answering a direct question from the press the other day. When posed with the question "Did anyone in your administration know about the IRS targeting conservative groups?" he responded not to the direct question but instead made up his own response " I did not know about the IG report until it came out". This points to his inexcusable incompetence and a level of detachment that NO President would stand for if he were truly a leader. This scandal has shaken the public's trust in government to it's core. This is a wing of the government that we all have to work with and now it's proven to be untrustworthy. I can't even begin to outline the, to coin Obama's own assessment, OUTRAGEOUS intrusions on conservative groups in this IRS debacle. Not only did they utilize their own agents to investigate these groups, they called upon the FBI to do background and personal checks. They handed over CONFIDENTIAL information to ProPublica a George Soros funded Liberal Organization. This is an affront to all that is free.
Now the Second Court of Appeals votes to negate Obama's recess appointment. This has far reaching consequences that could cause some serious issues in the administration and negate some decisions made by the appointees. This could cause ripples far reaching through Obama's policy decisions in many departments across government. It reaffirms the separation of powers. The remainder of his Presidency will be a battle for appointees to run government. Every person that he champions will be under a microscope. Obama has PROVEN that he can not run a nation.
Obamitol. Tastes like Koolaid but leaves a shitty taste in your mouth. |
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Monday, May 6, 2013
The True Cost of The President
This blog has outlined some of the most egregious fiscal acts that has been done by the Obama administration. Government spending has gone on largely unchecked at an unprecedented rate. Our children's future sold for the present. The people that will pay for these acts have yet to be born. The Presidential budget puts the so-called 'rich' to shame. Now, I'm going to now outline the true cost of Obama in the White House.

In past post I've written about the Obama's exorbitant travels and the cost to the American people. Those travels, while grossly expensive, pales in comparison to the day to day costs of the President and his family. Now, being the President has it's perks, but the Obama's have elevated those perks to royalty status. Their spending spree has been largely unchecked and ignored by the media. No one questions the duly elected KING of America.
Some monetary facts about the cost of the President:
That is 23522 to 1. A government worker making median salary/benefits would have to work 23522 YEARS to equal 1 year of what Obama makes in salary/benefits A YEAR.
Just to afford the President the comfortable lifestyle he has become accustomed to, we as a nation (all 300,000,000 of us, man, woman and children) need to pony up $5.86 per person, every year just to pay Obama. That's every citizen in America, and more than half aren't paying taxes. How many of you think this is outrageous? These are numbers that they don't want us to know! These are the numbers that the media won't talk about. These are the public secrets that are out there for all to see, but the public are distracted by manufactured crisis.
You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Maybe this blog will find the right person that will take this to a national venue, maybe not. America is not lost, but Americans are. We need to find our way again.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
In past post I've written about the Obama's exorbitant travels and the cost to the American people. Those travels, while grossly expensive, pales in comparison to the day to day costs of the President and his family. Now, being the President has it's perks, but the Obama's have elevated those perks to royalty status. Their spending spree has been largely unchecked and ignored by the media. No one questions the duly elected KING of America.
Some monetary facts about the cost of the President:
- The annual budget for HOUSEHOLD expenses for the White House is $1.4 billion.
- The annual HEALTHCARE cost for the President and his family is $7 million.
- The annual travel expenses for the Obama's has been roughly $350 million per year.
- The President's salary is $400,000 a year.
That is 23522 to 1. A government worker making median salary/benefits would have to work 23522 YEARS to equal 1 year of what Obama makes in salary/benefits A YEAR.
Just to afford the President the comfortable lifestyle he has become accustomed to, we as a nation (all 300,000,000 of us, man, woman and children) need to pony up $5.86 per person, every year just to pay Obama. That's every citizen in America, and more than half aren't paying taxes. How many of you think this is outrageous? These are numbers that they don't want us to know! These are the numbers that the media won't talk about. These are the public secrets that are out there for all to see, but the public are distracted by manufactured crisis.
You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Maybe this blog will find the right person that will take this to a national venue, maybe not. America is not lost, but Americans are. We need to find our way again.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
A Case For Impeachment?
Looking over that last post got me to thinking...has Obama committed an impeachable offense by putting another country's 'safety' above our rights as citizens? First off, let's look at the definition standards for impeachment. In Article II, Section 4 it states:
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Treason and bribery aside (I'm sure some of my readers will have some specifics to point out to me) we'll focus on high crimes and misdemeanors. The definition for which is:
The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct peculiar to officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and refusal to obey a lawful order. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for nonofficials, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office.
First one on the list we come to is 'perjury of oath'. Is not swearing to uphold the Constitution then telling Mexico that your going to do everything in your power to subvert it perjury of oath? The first order of business for the President is that take care of things here at home, not Mexico. Is he perhaps feeling a bit guilty over the failed gun walking scheme his administration still refuses to acknowledge? Which brings me to the second on the list, 'abuse of authority'. The President's office has directed the Office of the Attorney General from the get go on that deal. They still refuse to hand over countless documents that may or may not incriminate some high level officials. Third is 'bribery', no direct connections there, but if you connect the dots with the ACA (Obamacare) and the Unions being exempted from that legislation, you could probably make a case. Fourth we have 'intimidation', this happens daily. Maybe not directly from the President himself, but by his hand picked officers. Politics is the only place where the boss is not responsible for his charges. Plausible deny-ability my ass. If you hand picked a person to speak in your behalf, then your ability to lead is suspect. Which also covers the sixth, seventh and eighth things on the list as well,'failure to supervise','dereliction of duty' and 'conduct unbecoming'. We don't even need to go into details on these, but if prompted to build a case it wouldn't be hard. I skipped the fifth, 'misuse of assets' because I'd like to add detail. President Obama has spent more on vacations then any other president in history. As outlined in a prior post Obama would have to work 3500 years and spend 100% of his salary just to pay for what he has already taken ($1.4 Billion). I'd say this is pretty cut and dried misuse of assets, don't you think? That alone should account for impeachment! That ain't exactly a blow job in the White House now is it?

I could have beat him up over all the other things his administration has done, but I'm a fiscal conservative and my gripe is with his fiscal irresponsibility. He's blowing money so fast it's inconceivable to the general public. They can't wrap their head around it so they ignore it and focus on hot button issues that are just a smoke screen. Keep the idiots occupied and they won't see me spending all their money, they won't know whats going on til it's all gone. Do you suppose we'll have enough money left to impeach him then?
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Treason and bribery aside (I'm sure some of my readers will have some specifics to point out to me) we'll focus on high crimes and misdemeanors. The definition for which is:
The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct peculiar to officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and refusal to obey a lawful order. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for nonofficials, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office.
First one on the list we come to is 'perjury of oath'. Is not swearing to uphold the Constitution then telling Mexico that your going to do everything in your power to subvert it perjury of oath? The first order of business for the President is that take care of things here at home, not Mexico. Is he perhaps feeling a bit guilty over the failed gun walking scheme his administration still refuses to acknowledge? Which brings me to the second on the list, 'abuse of authority'. The President's office has directed the Office of the Attorney General from the get go on that deal. They still refuse to hand over countless documents that may or may not incriminate some high level officials. Third is 'bribery', no direct connections there, but if you connect the dots with the ACA (Obamacare) and the Unions being exempted from that legislation, you could probably make a case. Fourth we have 'intimidation', this happens daily. Maybe not directly from the President himself, but by his hand picked officers. Politics is the only place where the boss is not responsible for his charges. Plausible deny-ability my ass. If you hand picked a person to speak in your behalf, then your ability to lead is suspect. Which also covers the sixth, seventh and eighth things on the list as well,'failure to supervise','dereliction of duty' and 'conduct unbecoming'. We don't even need to go into details on these, but if prompted to build a case it wouldn't be hard. I skipped the fifth, 'misuse of assets' because I'd like to add detail. President Obama has spent more on vacations then any other president in history. As outlined in a prior post Obama would have to work 3500 years and spend 100% of his salary just to pay for what he has already taken ($1.4 Billion). I'd say this is pretty cut and dried misuse of assets, don't you think? That alone should account for impeachment! That ain't exactly a blow job in the White House now is it?
I could have beat him up over all the other things his administration has done, but I'm a fiscal conservative and my gripe is with his fiscal irresponsibility. He's blowing money so fast it's inconceivable to the general public. They can't wrap their head around it so they ignore it and focus on hot button issues that are just a smoke screen. Keep the idiots occupied and they won't see me spending all their money, they won't know whats going on til it's all gone. Do you suppose we'll have enough money left to impeach him then?
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Assaulting Freedom.
President Obama took a trip to Mexico to talk to them about gun control. He can't get this government to pass his constitution shredding, liberty stealing legislation, so he pushes the issue in Mexico, which already has a lot of the 'common sense' legislation he seeks.
His qoute to a Mexican audience:
"Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States," Obama told the attendees "I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms. And as president, I swore an oath to uphold that right, and I always will. But at the same time, as I've said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people.
"That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States," he said.
What could prompt Obama to push gun control in Mexico, a country that already has very restrictive gun controls in place? It isn't helping them at all, as a matter of fact, their gun violence is far above ours per capita. (All links are tested for safety) Gun controls that are regarded as 'restrictive' came into law in 2004 in Mexico. Notice the marked climb in gun violence from 2004? Make owning guns criminal and only criminals will have guns. That's something that the Obama administration doesn't want you to know. Or the fact that his own hand picked Attorney General Eric Holder facilitated a gun walking program that contributed to Mexico's illegal gun violence. Trying to make amends Mr. President, by offering up our liberties as collateral? I think that the populace will see through your ruse.
I catch hell from Obama supporters from time to time telling me to 'respect' the office of the President. I'll begin respecting him when he begins respecting the document he was sworn in to protect, THE CONSTITUTION. His tenure as President has marked a time of direct assault on our liberties. From directed purchase of a service (health insurance), placing non-elected officials in place (czars) to lessen the political impact on himself (equal representation) and now still beating the gun control drum. Let's call it what it is, an assault on freedom.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
His qoute to a Mexican audience:
"Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States," Obama told the attendees "I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms. And as president, I swore an oath to uphold that right, and I always will. But at the same time, as I've said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people.
"That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States," he said.
I catch hell from Obama supporters from time to time telling me to 'respect' the office of the President. I'll begin respecting him when he begins respecting the document he was sworn in to protect, THE CONSTITUTION. His tenure as President has marked a time of direct assault on our liberties. From directed purchase of a service (health insurance), placing non-elected officials in place (czars) to lessen the political impact on himself (equal representation) and now still beating the gun control drum. Let's call it what it is, an assault on freedom.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Most Liberals Don't Have The Tools for Meaningful Debate
There is an older man that I sometimes have some political discussions with that get pretty heated. I'm not one to argue, but I do passionately defend my position. He's a liberal, believes just about everything that the left leaning pundits tell him to believe. Many times he tries to defend his position by calling my 'connections' erroneous even if the facts support those connections. Of course, then he makes some pretty crazy connections himself...
Tonight we chatted about racism and it's manifestation in the political landscape. He was very adamant that the TEA Party is infected to its core with racism. When asked if he had any proof of this, he started with "I saw picket signs with caricatures of a very dark man with large red lips in the style of how blacks were portrayed during desegregation." I asked him if he could provide proof of these and whether or not those people that created such displays were accepted members of the TEA Party. He could not. The closest thing I could find for him to point to on google images, was a rally sign with Obama made up to look like Heath Ledger as the Joker from Batman. He got pretty excited, proclaiming "See!!! That's what I'm talking about, blatant racism!!" I tried to explain to him that I'm not exactly sure what the artist behind that placard was thinking, but it didn't look like racism, more like satire. This is where I pointed out that my connections are rooted in fact, not conjecture.
I asked him what about Chris Matthews, Rachael Maddow, Keith Olbermann and Bill Maher? These are the Liberal Left's talking heads. What about the bullshit that these people spew? These people call for all out violence against conservatives. I told him he'd be hard pressed to find any accepted TEA Party members that attacked anyone like that. What I've seen from them is mostly respectful debate. They confront the Left on the issues, which in their position they cannot defend it. Racism is rampant..but it's the Liberals that are propagating it. They liken the rich to 'Old White Men' which couldn't be futher from the truth. Riches in the United States span the races. Granted the top 50 richest people in the U.S. are all white, but a few are women and one Asian. The richest person in the world happens to be a Mexican! But that's not for lack of opportunity. Everyone in America has the same chance as anyone else to be on this list. Through hard work, perseverance and a LOT of luck anyone can achieve the perceived unachievable.
If you look at poverty there is a marked disparity between Anglo-saxon decendants and people of African decent but look why that disparity continues (That sentence just infuriates me, because I am NOT politically correct). It's not because of lack of opportunity, it's the handouts. They are told that without help they can't excel. So they take the help. The problem is that this class has accepted that comfort level. The handout comfort level. It's been well documented in science that animals will become comfortable in a sustainable level of discomfort to survive. Zoo animals accept the fact they are captive as long as they are taken care of. This is what we are subjecting our future to, a comfortable level in exchange for captivity (or rule, or tyranny, or what ever you want to call it). Worked for Castro and Chavez why not here? Welfare causes poverty and acceptance/complacency perpetuates it. There is a cost to what the Liberals call help.
When you pull out facts in a debate you expect the other side to at least know the mechanics of the conversation at hand. The problem with a Liberal / Conservative conversation is that the Liberal side dismisses all that detracts from their point of view. The disregard facts if it supports the other side. When confronted with these facts they (or this older gentleman in this case) clam up and profess ignorance of the facts or try to dismiss them as propaganda. They refuse to see the point. You could recreate scientific fact in a laboratory in full view of a liberal and if the result is not what they expect they will immediately say there's something screwy going on. When the discussion turns to countries that espouse their liberal agenda all they can point to is the good, but they refuse to acknowledge the bad. It is next to impossible to engage in fruitful debate.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Conservative VS Liberal lines of thought. |
I asked him what about Chris Matthews, Rachael Maddow, Keith Olbermann and Bill Maher? These are the Liberal Left's talking heads. What about the bullshit that these people spew? These people call for all out violence against conservatives. I told him he'd be hard pressed to find any accepted TEA Party members that attacked anyone like that. What I've seen from them is mostly respectful debate. They confront the Left on the issues, which in their position they cannot defend it. Racism is rampant..but it's the Liberals that are propagating it. They liken the rich to 'Old White Men' which couldn't be futher from the truth. Riches in the United States span the races. Granted the top 50 richest people in the U.S. are all white, but a few are women and one Asian. The richest person in the world happens to be a Mexican! But that's not for lack of opportunity. Everyone in America has the same chance as anyone else to be on this list. Through hard work, perseverance and a LOT of luck anyone can achieve the perceived unachievable.
If you look at poverty there is a marked disparity between Anglo-saxon decendants and people of African decent but look why that disparity continues (That sentence just infuriates me, because I am NOT politically correct). It's not because of lack of opportunity, it's the handouts. They are told that without help they can't excel. So they take the help. The problem is that this class has accepted that comfort level. The handout comfort level. It's been well documented in science that animals will become comfortable in a sustainable level of discomfort to survive. Zoo animals accept the fact they are captive as long as they are taken care of. This is what we are subjecting our future to, a comfortable level in exchange for captivity (or rule, or tyranny, or what ever you want to call it). Worked for Castro and Chavez why not here? Welfare causes poverty and acceptance/complacency perpetuates it. There is a cost to what the Liberals call help.
When you pull out facts in a debate you expect the other side to at least know the mechanics of the conversation at hand. The problem with a Liberal / Conservative conversation is that the Liberal side dismisses all that detracts from their point of view. The disregard facts if it supports the other side. When confronted with these facts they (or this older gentleman in this case) clam up and profess ignorance of the facts or try to dismiss them as propaganda. They refuse to see the point. You could recreate scientific fact in a laboratory in full view of a liberal and if the result is not what they expect they will immediately say there's something screwy going on. When the discussion turns to countries that espouse their liberal agenda all they can point to is the good, but they refuse to acknowledge the bad. It is next to impossible to engage in fruitful debate.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Connecting the Dots for Liberals. (Or how the Libs feed the system they despise)
Liberals like to scream out loud about big nasty corporations and how their very existence is a bane on our society. Companies like Walmart, Exxon-Mobile, Samsung, Apple, General Motors, Ford and AT&T are very often targets on their radar. They say big business is bad and that it's the conservatives that are their champions. They should spend a little time looking in the mirror because it's very likely that it's the Liberals actions that bolster these companies bottom line. The big bad corporations are being propped up by the Liberals big hearts and big hand outs, but it's not just the Liberals.
Take for example Walmart, a corporation that prides itself on providing low cost alternatives to just about any commodity or food stuff you can think of. Walmart takes in hundreds of billions of dollars in sales every year. The fact that they are usually the cheapest place to shop attracts people of low economic stature. To put it another way, the people getting the hand outs are shopping at Walmart. Ever been there on the first weekend of the month? I'd be willing to bet that Walmart garners the lion's share of the food stamp, temporary assistance money in the retail world seeing that 90% of all Americans live within 15 minutes of a Walmart. Walmart enjoys a back door subsidy because of the generosity of federal assistance. And to make matters worse, guess where 80% of their suppliers originate? China. So the better part of the federal subsidy is headed out of the country.
Or Exxon-Mobile that provides gas, oil and other products to consumers in the United States. Chastised for it's ability to strategically play the tax game and actually end up with a refund, it also enjoys a back door subsidy. Many people on Medicaid, Medicare or SSDI get paid mileage for getting to their appointments ie; doctors, lawyers, therapists, ect. Where do you suppose that gets spent? Right back in the tank. Another trip to the corner Exxon-Mobile to give them a government supplied subsidy.
Not to mention Samsung, Apple and AT&T (and other cell providers), those Obama phones are being handed out like peanuts at the circus. Another example that the monkeys are running the zoo. This program has ballooned to a $2 billion program. Six million people have these phones and the program has little if any oversight. You know where that money is going? It goes directly to 'Big Business'. Even General Motors and Ford are getting into the game with low cost federal loans or grants for 'green energy' technology.
The top 10 rental property management companies manage more that 1.1 million apartments. Even with low ball Housing and Urban Development subsidies these companies could feasibly be making $500 Million per month in federal assistance payments. Millions in preferential tax status, grants and loan guarantees to build more 'affordable' housing. In Maine there was a story on these 'affordable' housing projects. Projects that cost more that $200,000 for 1400 square feet 'affordable' housing all subsidized by 'We The People' and built by 'Big Business'.
Colleges enjoy preferential status when it comes to subsidy. Harvard alone with it's endowment greater than $20 Billion is given $300,000,000 in taxpayer subsidies on top of all the grant money that students qualify and gauranteed loans from federal coffers. This is an organization with more than $20 Billion at it's disposal and it's getting obscene amounts from taxpayers. One of the most exclusive education institutions in the United States, an institution that is largely inaccessible to the general public and admits the hyper elite, garners billions in subsidy every year. That's just Harvard, there are thousands of colleges in the United States.
Often I have discussions with Liberals about healthcare and they try to say that insurance companies are profiteering on the backs of sick people. That all the insurance companies worry about is the bottom line. I work in healthcare, I see where the profiteering is and it's not the insurance companies. Insurance companies try to control cost through curbing unnecessary testing. Medicare, Medicaid and future ACA coverage providers are governmental agencies. When has the government EVER tried to curb costs?
What politicians don't want you to know, is that both sides of the isle are equally to blame. Of course the social programs that the Liberals tout as improving the lives of the poor are giving governmental profiteers a wonderful playground, but the Conservative side doesn't look deep enough or won't because of the profits they enjoy. The politicians in Washington are no longer there to do the work of the people. The list could go on and on with how companies profit on social programs, but I think I've made my point. One of the Liberal Left's most used battle cry is 'We are the 99%!' They cry about big business profits that continue to climb while the number of poor grows. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. Their champions are filling the coffers of big business with taxpayer subsidy through social programs that they think will elevate the poor out of poverty. All of the things the '99%' hates they are the root cause.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
Take for example Walmart, a corporation that prides itself on providing low cost alternatives to just about any commodity or food stuff you can think of. Walmart takes in hundreds of billions of dollars in sales every year. The fact that they are usually the cheapest place to shop attracts people of low economic stature. To put it another way, the people getting the hand outs are shopping at Walmart. Ever been there on the first weekend of the month? I'd be willing to bet that Walmart garners the lion's share of the food stamp, temporary assistance money in the retail world seeing that 90% of all Americans live within 15 minutes of a Walmart. Walmart enjoys a back door subsidy because of the generosity of federal assistance. And to make matters worse, guess where 80% of their suppliers originate? China. So the better part of the federal subsidy is headed out of the country.
Or Exxon-Mobile that provides gas, oil and other products to consumers in the United States. Chastised for it's ability to strategically play the tax game and actually end up with a refund, it also enjoys a back door subsidy. Many people on Medicaid, Medicare or SSDI get paid mileage for getting to their appointments ie; doctors, lawyers, therapists, ect. Where do you suppose that gets spent? Right back in the tank. Another trip to the corner Exxon-Mobile to give them a government supplied subsidy.
Not to mention Samsung, Apple and AT&T (and other cell providers), those Obama phones are being handed out like peanuts at the circus. Another example that the monkeys are running the zoo. This program has ballooned to a $2 billion program. Six million people have these phones and the program has little if any oversight. You know where that money is going? It goes directly to 'Big Business'. Even General Motors and Ford are getting into the game with low cost federal loans or grants for 'green energy' technology.
The top 10 rental property management companies manage more that 1.1 million apartments. Even with low ball Housing and Urban Development subsidies these companies could feasibly be making $500 Million per month in federal assistance payments. Millions in preferential tax status, grants and loan guarantees to build more 'affordable' housing. In Maine there was a story on these 'affordable' housing projects. Projects that cost more that $200,000 for 1400 square feet 'affordable' housing all subsidized by 'We The People' and built by 'Big Business'.
Colleges enjoy preferential status when it comes to subsidy. Harvard alone with it's endowment greater than $20 Billion is given $300,000,000 in taxpayer subsidies on top of all the grant money that students qualify and gauranteed loans from federal coffers. This is an organization with more than $20 Billion at it's disposal and it's getting obscene amounts from taxpayers. One of the most exclusive education institutions in the United States, an institution that is largely inaccessible to the general public and admits the hyper elite, garners billions in subsidy every year. That's just Harvard, there are thousands of colleges in the United States.
Often I have discussions with Liberals about healthcare and they try to say that insurance companies are profiteering on the backs of sick people. That all the insurance companies worry about is the bottom line. I work in healthcare, I see where the profiteering is and it's not the insurance companies. Insurance companies try to control cost through curbing unnecessary testing. Medicare, Medicaid and future ACA coverage providers are governmental agencies. When has the government EVER tried to curb costs?
What politicians don't want you to know, is that both sides of the isle are equally to blame. Of course the social programs that the Liberals tout as improving the lives of the poor are giving governmental profiteers a wonderful playground, but the Conservative side doesn't look deep enough or won't because of the profits they enjoy. The politicians in Washington are no longer there to do the work of the people. The list could go on and on with how companies profit on social programs, but I think I've made my point. One of the Liberal Left's most used battle cry is 'We are the 99%!' They cry about big business profits that continue to climb while the number of poor grows. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. Their champions are filling the coffers of big business with taxpayer subsidy through social programs that they think will elevate the poor out of poverty. All of the things the '99%' hates they are the root cause.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.
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