Liberals like to scream out loud about big nasty corporations and how their very existence is a bane on our society. Companies like Walmart, Exxon-Mobile, Samsung, Apple, General Motors, Ford and AT&T are very often targets on their radar. They say big business is bad and that it's the conservatives that are their champions. They should spend a little time looking in the mirror because it's very likely that it's the Liberals actions that bolster these companies bottom line. The big bad corporations are being propped up by the Liberals big hearts and big hand outs, but it's not just the Liberals.
Take for example Walmart, a corporation that prides itself on providing low cost alternatives to just about any commodity or food stuff you can think of. Walmart takes in hundreds of billions of dollars in sales every year. The fact that they are usually the cheapest place to shop attracts people of low economic stature. To put it another way, the people getting the hand outs are shopping at Walmart. Ever been there on the first weekend of the month? I'd be willing to bet that Walmart garners the lion's share of the food stamp, temporary assistance money in the retail world seeing that 90% of all Americans live within 15 minutes of a Walmart. Walmart enjoys a back door subsidy because of the generosity of federal assistance. And to make matters worse, guess where 80% of their suppliers originate? China. So the better part of the federal subsidy is headed out of the country.
Or Exxon-Mobile that provides gas, oil and other products to consumers in the United States. Chastised for it's ability to strategically play the tax game and actually end up with a refund, it also enjoys a back door subsidy. Many people on Medicaid, Medicare or SSDI get paid mileage for getting to their appointments ie; doctors, lawyers, therapists, ect. Where do you suppose that gets spent? Right back in the tank. Another trip to the corner Exxon-Mobile to give them a government supplied subsidy.
Not to mention Samsung, Apple and AT&T (and other cell providers), those Obama phones are being handed out like peanuts at the circus. Another example that the monkeys are running the zoo. This program has ballooned to a $2 billion program. Six million people have these phones and the program has little if any oversight. You know where that money is going? It goes directly to 'Big Business'. Even General Motors and Ford are getting into the game with low cost federal loans or grants for 'green energy' technology.
The top 10 rental property management companies manage more that 1.1 million apartments. Even with low ball Housing and Urban Development subsidies these companies could feasibly be making $500 Million per month in federal assistance payments. Millions in preferential tax status, grants and loan guarantees to build more 'affordable' housing. In Maine there was a story on these 'affordable' housing projects. Projects that cost more that $200,000 for 1400 square feet 'affordable' housing all subsidized by 'We The People' and built by 'Big Business'.
Colleges enjoy preferential status when it comes to subsidy. Harvard alone with it's endowment greater than $20 Billion is given $300,000,000 in taxpayer subsidies on top of all the grant money that students qualify and gauranteed loans from federal coffers. This is an organization with more than $20 Billion at it's disposal and it's getting obscene amounts from taxpayers. One of the most exclusive education institutions in the United States, an institution that is largely inaccessible to the general public and admits the hyper elite, garners billions in subsidy every year. That's just Harvard, there are thousands of colleges in the United States.
Often I have discussions with Liberals about healthcare and they try to say that insurance companies are profiteering on the backs of sick people. That all the insurance companies worry about is the bottom line. I work in healthcare, I see where the profiteering is and it's not the insurance companies. Insurance companies try to control cost through curbing unnecessary testing. Medicare, Medicaid and future ACA coverage providers are governmental agencies. When has the government EVER tried to curb costs?
What politicians don't want you to know, is that both sides of the isle are equally to blame. Of course the social programs that the Liberals tout as improving the lives of the poor are giving governmental profiteers a wonderful playground, but the Conservative side doesn't look deep enough or won't because of the profits they enjoy. The politicians in Washington are no longer there to do the work of the people. The list could go on and on with how companies profit on social programs, but I think I've made my point. One of the Liberal Left's most used battle cry is 'We are the 99%!' They cry about big business profits that continue to climb while the number of poor grows. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. Their champions are filling the coffers of big business with taxpayer subsidy through social programs that they think will elevate the poor out of poverty. All of the things the '99%' hates they are the root cause.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.