Sunday, May 19, 2013


A top Obama adminstration aide went on numerous talk shows to try and defray the damage from the current crop of scandals facing the President. Dan Pfeiffer tried to claim that what the President knew and when he knew it was 'irrelevant'. When pressed as to the legality of the IRS targeting conservative groups he also stated that the law was 'irrelevant'. If we are to understand this line of thought, then we as a nation should just back off and give Obama a pass. He didn't know what was going on under his watch so big whoop right? He gets a mulligan, to utilize the vernacular from his love of golf. The arrogance of this administration boggles the mind.

This illustrates the ambivalence that the Obama administration has towards the people of the United States. On one hand he has such disdain for America that he writes his own rules as he goes along, but obviously he feels as if this country is a great starting point for his version of a 'better' world. His agenda has hardly been hidden throughout his tenure. The majority of people ate all the bullshit he was spewing and voted him in for a second term. Now we see his true colors. In a past post I wrote about how Obama was an absentee President, spending time away golfing, vacationing, even making beer in the basement of the White House. Now with the statements made regarding the relevance of Obama's involvement it has become apparent. He's just a puppet but we've yet to find out who has their hand up his ass. His handlers have all but said that President Obama is too busy hanging out with hollywood movie stars, surfing the liberal talk show circuit, making beer or playing golf to be bothered with the day to day goings on of the United States.

The infractions perpetrated on the people of the United States by this administration ranks up there with the Nixon administration's infractions. It's been said in many major news cycles. There is still question as to whether or not the IRS targeting was criminal or not. The very fact that they are questioning the legality of such actions prove they know what they did was wrong. To question the legality of a direct assault on Americans by an administrative arm of the government such as the IRS reaffirms our reliance on the Constitution. The actions of this administration is a direct affront to everything we hold dear as a free society and to call it 'irrelevant' is an indictment of our intelligence.

Many of my liberal friends give me grief about my political leanings and question my ability to criticize the government. The very same friends who would believe a liar like Obama who has yet to pay up on his many promises. Oh, they'll throw Obamacare in my face, but if I had the chance to spend $7 Trillion dollars, we'd all have healthcare. The government relies on the ignorance of it's people to slide shit by them and retain power. That's all this is about, power. Pure and simple. They have some, but want more. The true test of a man is not money, it's power and how he wields it. Obama has failed miserably.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.