Well...I'm here to tell you,
WE CAN FIX IT- We have the capacity and the freedom to do what needs to be done. We need a collective message from an educated citizenry. Be a student of REAL history, not the revisionist shit they spoon feed our children in public school. Read a book, this was a great read "Lies My Teacher Told Me". Go ahead, Google revisionist history or just click here.
WHAT CAN WE DO?- By communicating our disdain and making the pillar of power a very uncomfortable place to be. We can not let them become complacent, they have chosen to be the leaders of the free world, to do the work of the people, lets hold their feet to the flames. Find your voice or join another, we shouldn't make public service a short ride to a comfortable retirement. The reason public servants originally got great benefits was because the job really sucked, let's make it suck again.
WHY WORRY ABOUT IT?- How does $17 Trillion in debt hit you? Probably not even a tickle. How about if I write it out... $17,000,000,000,000 does that help? Again, probably nothing. How about this...currently every citizen of the United States, every man, woman and child (right down to the one that just popped out) owe to the Federal Debt $56,666 per citizen! WORRIED NOW? That baby that was just born just bought a Lincoln Navigator that some politician's son will be taking to prom and the baby will never lay eyes on. Does it bother any of you that YOUR portion of the national debt is greater than the national mean wage of $45,790? I understand many of you may have trouble with your math, so if you gave your entire years salary to the government, you'd still OWN THEM MORE.
IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM..- Then who's problem is it? Do you, that try and detract from my message, realize that someone has to pay for the misguided decisions of these 'for the greater good' politicians? Everyone that looks the other way, apologizes or tries and explain away the efforts of the government to wrestle power from the people is just as bad as the politicians that are trying to steal it from us. This debt they are running up is OURS to take care of, anyone that believes that the politicians are going to do anything about it are in a dream world. With great power comes great responsibility. They have proven they are not responsible people.
I've been contracted by my employer to provide a service. I have been given certain performance parameters that I have to follow to perform the tasks that I have been charged with. If I don't perform these tasks at or above those parameters I can, and should, be reprimanded. That reprimand could come with sanctions such as loss of compensation (raise) up to dismissal from my position. If I perform poorly or make poor decisions in my work, there is no one to apologize or explain away my misgivings. WHY DO YOU DO IT FOR THE PRESIDENT?? I've seen this type of behavior from fanatic sports enthusiasts who will give reasoning for a favored team's loss. 'It wasn't their day', It's because so and so is on the injured list', 'If that last pit stop was 1 second faster'...it's always someone else's fault or problem. This deflection is a sickness. I understand it, you picked Obama, so if he fails you do. But it's not the reality, we need to place blame where it should be and accept it for ourselves.
Barack Hussein Obama took on the job of President of the United States. He won the vote by being the 'Un-Bush' then spent his first term blaming all the problems on Bush. Well, all of the problems that are currently happening are his. He owns them and no amount of explaining them as 'irrelevant' are going to make them any less his. I really don't care if no one told him what was going on, it is his JOB TO KNOW. If I was in his shoes and the people that I charged with informing me failed HEADS WOULD ROLL. It really doesn't surprise me that Obama does nothing, he has no spine. He's been an absentee President from the get go. He is not doing the job he was charged with, he is not fulfilling the parameters of the position.
So, instead of making excuses and trying to discredit my views why not just accept the fact that GOVERNMENT WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE WHAT THEY HAVE CREATED. We have handed them so much power that we are losing our identity. When we are gone the legacy we leave behind will either be a strong nation or a mountain of debt. It's up to us.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.