This case should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Obama has proven that he has a cult-like following among his followers and this proves the extent of which they will go to support him. If Obama wants to save face then he should ferret out and FIRE every person involved in any scandal involving government employees. Government employees should not be 'sympathetic' to a specific cause or political affiliation. All actions by government employees should be performed by the letter of the law and without bias. Any infraction, no matter how small, should be dealt with by IMMEDIATE dismissal from position without compensation. This would ensure that every employee would do the job they are charged with and not just try to please the boss by steering his course. Political affiliation should not be a factor in the day to day goings on in governmental agencies. This administration has raised the public awareness as to the actual reality that they work to OBTAIN AND RETAIN POWER AND THE WIELD THAT POWER LIKE A SWORD AGAINST THE PEOPLE THEY ARE SWORN TO PROTECT.
We can not as a free nation tolerate this level of governmental indiscretion and intrusion. As I outlined in the last post this is a rare opportunity to make fundamental changes to our federal system. It was never intended to be all things to all people or even have a hand in all things for all people. The men who drafted our Constitution and Bill of Rights envisioned a country that was run BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE. The people in power have seen fit to wrest that power from the people bit by bit. It's time to take it back.
This blog finds a handful of people in hopes that it will open a few eyes. When I'm dead and gone everything I have will be someone else's. I don't really want to be part of the legacy this government has been building for the past 9 years. A debt that will burden generations to come, rules that are mandatory to the citizens and optional to the government and liberties that are modified to suit the ruling class. Some of the people I discuss politics with claim that these changes will build a better country. History shows that the direction we are going in has fueled the demise of many great empires. The country we are allowing them to build is a shadow of it's glory.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.