Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat, Ignorance Of The Law Excuses No One.

SHHH!! What I don't know can't hurt me!
Willful ignorance or extraordinary incompetence...either way it's inexcusable in the private sector it should be criminal in the public sector. We are held accountable for our actions in the private sector. If we break a law or a rule we get fined or jailed, willful ignorance is not a defense nor is extraordinary incompetence (unless your found not mentally stable or unable to understand the charges against you). I believe Ignorantia juris non excusat is a concept taught in law school so Obama should be very familiar with it since he was a law professor. The fact that his advisors chose not to inform Obama of key issues in his administration does not absolve him from being held responsible for the acts of those subordinates. These people were SUBORDINATES, acting on behalf of the administration, on behalf of the President himself. Because he chose not to make it known to them that he would be briefed on any and all possible issues put the country at risk. His disinterest in the day to day business of the United States resulted in these issues. His delegation of powers to people who are unworthy of power resulted in Benghazi, the AP, Fast and Furious, IRS and other issues.

This is a direct indictment of Barack Hussein Obama. Your willful ignorance and extraordinary incompetence has proven to the America people that you are unfit to hold the office of the President of the United States. We will accept no less than your full resignation from office. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Take that hack Carney with you when you go. Give me a call, I'll say it right to you in person if you'd like. I'd love to do a beer summit with you, but we gotta drink good beer, not that light shit. And we gotta have the cameras there, live feed, I'll try to censor the expletives but I've got a shitload of 'em that will probably slip out. I'd really like to see if your as smart as people think you are or if your just a clever fool that just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I'm not holding my breath. At the rate this administration is going, I can expect a visit from the corrupt enforcement arm of the IRS, or the Justice Department doing the dirty work of the Ignoramus in Charge. At least Nixon only pondered using the IRS to do his dirty work. The corruption is staggering and still people believe in this snake oil salesman. He has not lived up to his promises and still he's their champion.

The IRS has failed the public trust. We should use this as a que to change the tax code. Enact a flat tax that everybody pays the same across the board. The only IRS we will need is for processing, no millions of pages of tax law and loop holes to understand. WE ALL PAY THE SAME. I make a dollar I pay 10 cents. I make $1 million I pay $100,000. I make $1 billion I pay $100 Million. Friggin' easy huh? Why is it that the government says it will put undo stress on the poor? Actually it puts undo stress on the politicians...they wield no power...no favored tax status for anyone. If you enjoy the fruits of freedom you pay like everyone else. Nuff said.  Then create a balanced budget amendment, they must balance the budget every year or it's a no go. We got it here in Maine they need it in Washington D.C.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.