Conservative VS Liberal lines of thought. |
I asked him what about Chris Matthews, Rachael Maddow, Keith Olbermann and Bill Maher? These are the Liberal Left's talking heads. What about the bullshit that these people spew? These people call for all out violence against conservatives. I told him he'd be hard pressed to find any accepted TEA Party members that attacked anyone like that. What I've seen from them is mostly respectful debate. They confront the Left on the issues, which in their position they cannot defend it. Racism is rampant..but it's the Liberals that are propagating it. They liken the rich to 'Old White Men' which couldn't be futher from the truth. Riches in the United States span the races. Granted the top 50 richest people in the U.S. are all white, but a few are women and one Asian. The richest person in the world happens to be a Mexican! But that's not for lack of opportunity. Everyone in America has the same chance as anyone else to be on this list. Through hard work, perseverance and a LOT of luck anyone can achieve the perceived unachievable.
If you look at poverty there is a marked disparity between Anglo-saxon decendants and people of African decent but look why that disparity continues (That sentence just infuriates me, because I am NOT politically correct). It's not because of lack of opportunity, it's the handouts. They are told that without help they can't excel. So they take the help. The problem is that this class has accepted that comfort level. The handout comfort level. It's been well documented in science that animals will become comfortable in a sustainable level of discomfort to survive. Zoo animals accept the fact they are captive as long as they are taken care of. This is what we are subjecting our future to, a comfortable level in exchange for captivity (or rule, or tyranny, or what ever you want to call it). Worked for Castro and Chavez why not here? Welfare causes poverty and acceptance/complacency perpetuates it. There is a cost to what the Liberals call help.
When you pull out facts in a debate you expect the other side to at least know the mechanics of the conversation at hand. The problem with a Liberal / Conservative conversation is that the Liberal side dismisses all that detracts from their point of view. The disregard facts if it supports the other side. When confronted with these facts they (or this older gentleman in this case) clam up and profess ignorance of the facts or try to dismiss them as propaganda. They refuse to see the point. You could recreate scientific fact in a laboratory in full view of a liberal and if the result is not what they expect they will immediately say there's something screwy going on. When the discussion turns to countries that espouse their liberal agenda all they can point to is the good, but they refuse to acknowledge the bad. It is next to impossible to engage in fruitful debate.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.